Do you want to improve your company’s Salesforce release experience? For example, would you be interested in sharing your test scenarios with Salesforce to be included in their official release of business scenario testing?

Provar is running a limited program with Salesforce to get our customers’ business scenarios run as part of Salesforce’s official release testing.

What are the Business Scenario Testing Program Benefits?

This is a fantastic opportunity for Provar customers to engage directly with Prerelease Salesforce’s Business Scenario Testing (BST) program. By sharing your Provar test cases with Salesforce, you’ll increase your confidence in the reliability of Salesforce’s releases. Then, participate in Salesforce’s significant patch testing, get earlier feedback on potential issues, and engage directly with Salesforce R&D for any problems identified.

Where Can I Learn More?

If you’re a Provar customer running your tests on Lightning and interested in applying to join the Salesforce BST program, look at the information session video below to learn more.

In this session, Richard Clark from Provar and Heather Ouellette from the Salesforce Prerelease Business Scenario Testing (BST) program discuss the program’s benefits and explain how to apply.

Interested in Applying?

Are you an existing Provar customer and interested in applying for the program? Therefore, contact us at and CC your Salesforce account representative, providing answers to the following questions:

1. Do you meet the following eligibility criteria?

  • My organization is willing and able to sign the Salesforce BST legal agreement pending a review of the terms.
  • My organization has no barriers in sharing test cases or cloning a sandbox.
  • My organization is testing in Lightning.
  • My organization has resources available to implement and maintain our BST test cases.
  • My organization’s Provar Connections are publicly visible to Salesforce.
  • My organization has a preview sandbox with test data only, preferably a DevPro, for Salesforce to clone.

I am happy for you to share my contact details with Salesforce.

Yes, I meet these criteria. No, I do not meet these criteria.