The University of Provar course designer Caroline Smith contributed to this post. For more contributed posts by Provar experts, please scroll through the rest of our blog!
The team behind the University of Provar (UP) is committed to keeping you updated on all the latest updates at Provar. Last year, we refreshed our Provar Automation Essentials certification, which provided UP users with six new courses to learn about the foundations of our flagship test automation tool, Provar Automation.
We proudly announce that our updated Provar Automation Advanced certification is available on UP! After receiving feedback from our users and Provar experts, we are happy to provide five updated courses to help you advance your Provar knowledge and quality journey.
Gain Technical Skills
Building on the foundational skills developed throughout the Provar Automation Essentials courses, the Provar Automation Advanced certification explains the key knowledge and skills that will help you optimize your testing with the tool. The certification includes five courses: API Testing, Test Strategies, Built-In Functions, Control Statements, and Debugging.
One of the brand-new classes, API Testing, gives an overview of API testing and shows how to use Provar Automation. It also has a unique learning path that lets students pick their way through the course.
The other course new to the certification is Control Statements. This course does a good job of explaining common commands by giving examples and use cases. It gives students the confidence to use actions like conditional logic and loops in their test cases.
In the previous certification, there was considerable interest in the courses Test Strategies, Built-in Functions, and Debugging. The processes have been thoroughly revised to incorporate the latest tool updates and best practices. All the classes boost users’ confidence by helping them gain broad insight into each topic. Plus, they include a variety of interactive elements to keep learning fun!
Share Your Certification
Each of UP’s certifications offers a lot of value at no cost. With Provar’s tools, you will gain in-depth knowledge about testing and bolster your credibility through certified learning. After completing the certification, you can post it directly to LinkedIn, allowing you to share your achievements and commitment to continuous learning with your network.
Paula Americo, Education Content Lead for UP, noted, “Our certifications are a great way to learn about Provar products and invest (for free!) in your career success. Learn at your own pace, elevate your Salesforce testing skills, and share your accomplishments!”
All courses for the Provar Automation Advanced certification are now available. Are you ready to start? Head over to the University of Provar now and start learning!
To learn more about the University of Provar’s many (free!) continuous learning opportunities, designed for testers and Salesforce enthusiasts alike, visit our UP overview page or head directly to the UP learning platform!